Sunday, September 30, 2007

Couple's Night Out

Chloe had the opportunity to go to a girl scout camporee from yesterday to today, which meant Chris and I had the night to ourselves (which is rare)! This being the case, I wanted so badly to have a night to ourselves and doing stuff that you can't normally do with a 7-year old (nice restaurant or R-rated movie for instance). Well, I ruined it!

I was in a super good mood becasue we haven't had a "date" in what feels like forever. I put on heels, did my hair, and just wanted to feel somewhat sexy again. On the way to Glastonbury, I had some heartburn so I popped in my new best friend...Tums. Now I should preface this by saying that I NEVER expereinced heartburn before I was developing a human life withing my body. But given the rapidly expanding size of my belly with my shrinking stomach that is nearing my asophogus, coupled with pregnancy hormes, I had the most horrendously painful heartburn of my life.

We decided to eat at Houlihan's...I figured that if 10 Tums, 5 tall glasses of water and some bread couldn't ease my heartburn, then the meal certainly would! Now that was a naive thought! Chris ran out to the car to grab my Tums and I downed about 10 more. After the fouth bite of rice I had tears starting to roll down my cheeks. The poor waitress not only felt bad but left a gigantic carafe on the table becasue she had to keep coming back to refill me! It's kinda funny now but I was agony. Chris said we should leave twice but I insisted on staying. I kept believeing it would go away and we could go on with our night. Staring at my awesome-looking meal was a tease and I resorted to a bit of ice cream while I insisted Chris ate. Then we took off. I couldn't handle it anymore and he said we were leaving. I lieterally ate half the bottle of Tums before I felt better, which was of course when we were at home and going to bed!

Oh well. Maybe we'll have one more shot at a nice evening out ourselves before our little package arrives-and this time w/o the heartburn!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Sorry to hear that your special night...well...didn't go as planned. Hopefully today was a bit better for you.
If you ever want to give it another try, you've got a babysitter right around the other side of the block !!! : )

Scott & Tracey