Wednesday, September 5, 2007


So I'm a pretty "give it to me straight and don't beat around the bush" kind of person. This being the case, my body tells me when I'm overdoing in not-so-subtle ways as well.

Chris worked on 2nd shift all week and it was a three-day weekend so I was able to get soooo much done! Bad idea. Thuursday I started cleaning out the old office/new nursery of old computers, tools, etc, and decided to bring everything upstairs to the spare room/new office. I didn't really over do it, but probably not the best idea. Then Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, I really didn't take ANY time to just relax and being 30 weeks along now, I probably should have.

Late Monday afternoon I noticed some spotting at which point I ceased any activity and kinda relaxed. I didn't say anything to anyone because I didn't want to upset anyone if it didn't mean anything. I figured it might just be a one-time fluke thing. Well, Teusday afternoon I noticed more and that combined with being really tired, feeling like crap, and more contractions than normal, I figured I should call the doctor. They wanted to see me right away and did a quick examination before sending me over to the hospital for some monitoring. Which meant another two hours of laying down hooked up to a contraction monitor while they ran a couple of test. My cervix remained closed (thank God!) but they weren't too fond of the frequency and intensity of the contractions. I wasn't about to go into labor or anything but I was given a stern speech by by doctor to start taking it easy and watching for signs of overdoing it. My response was "but it's not like I'm moving furniture around the house". Her reply was that it's not necessarily the extent of the physical activity but that I need to take time and just start to relax and spend time not doing anything no matter how easy or light the activity may be...that my body needs more rest. Well, fine. So as instructed by her AND the man of the house, I came home, started reading, and fell asleep for the that felt so awesome!

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