Friday, September 14, 2007

Running Scared!

Okay. I'll admit it. I'm a baby when I think about the whole labor/delivery process. I can honestly say that I'm not scared of anything-heights, spiders, snakes, dogs, the dark (lol), skydiving, the ocean, even pain in general I generally do well. Now, I am scared. I don't really know why. The odds of something going drastically wrong and losing our little girl are not even the issue. I honestly don't know what it is. Maybe it's fear of the unknown. I've never even seen someone in labor or giving birth so maybe that's the difference. Do I talk t my doctor and ask questions? Yes. Do talk to other mothers? Yes. Do I read evey book and magazine to be well informed? Yes. Do I talk to Chris? Absolutely. The only thing left in my mind to help relax a bit is take some childbirth classes.

Now some people say it was beneficial for them and others say it's a waste of time but I can tell you that I felt better even after just attending one class. It wasn't really that I learned some huge peice of factual information or the commraderie that was there....I guess it was just everything. Maybe it was also that the instructor is also a yoga and massage professional so she brings a calmness to the room. It was also nice to hear some of the other women say they too were also scared or nervous so I didn't feel so abnormal!

All was going okay until near the end when I started feeling sick for some reason. We were just practicing some relaxation breathing when I couldn't get my breathing under control and literally ran from the room. So instead of breathing easy I was getting sick in a hospital bathroom. I went this whole 7 months w/o getting sick and now twice within a week! (I also got sick on the way home from the fair on Friday night for no apparent reason). Something tells me the last two months are going to make up for a relatively easy 7!

So anyway, I'm looking forward to the next 4 classes because they should get more in depth and information. The last is a tour of the birthing area and such (which I've unfortunately already seen!).

I guess I should get back to work now.... :)

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