Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bedrest for a Day

I now have a newfound appreciation for all you women out there that have been on bedrest. I was put on it for a day and was ready to rip my snarled hair out my head! May the good Lord bless you for your patience because I was miserable! I couldn't even relax because I was thinking about how unproductive I was being. Tracey, and especially Cynthia, you two are remarkable! At one pont I told Chris how much it sucked and he reminded me of you two! Yeah, again, I have no right to complain so I totally sucked it up after that!

Oh, so you're probably wondering what happened. It wasn't anything severe, just precautionary. Wednesday I felt like total crap-nauseaus, headache, blood rush to the face, (I did ctually get sick)-so I left work early and slept for about two hours and felt better. Well, Friday morning I was feeling fine and on the way into work I got incredibly dizzy to the point where I didn't know where the road was so I could pull off! I waited there about 10 minutes and when it subsided a decent amount I called the doc. They had me come in right way to take my blood pressure and they blamed it on my allergies.

I saw the "mean" doctor again (who has been really awesome) and it turns out that my blood sugar was low (usually higher for pregnant women since many overeat) and my blood pressure was higher than normal (for me). I normally run almost dead at 90/140 so when I was about 100/145 it kind of alarmed her (even though it is still an excellent reading for some people). I was given three juice boxes and told I had to be picked up and stay in bed all day and that they would be calling to check on me. Great! She asked if I've been overdoing and I repsonded with "mentally or physically" with a slight giggle. She said it didn't matter and that in both regards I need to take a breather and relax...I'm almost there so it's okay to take more of break. Ha. She obviously doesn't know me! But I vowed to be better at taking it easy and she stressed I need more sleep.

Sigh. I should take the advice but it's hard because I'm a pretty independent person and like doing things on my own. Chris brought me dinner in bed and I had a wave of guilt. I'm weird. I know. Plus I don't like to admit failure or defeat, or the fact that I don't have the same abilities as before I became pregnant (lifting heavy things, climbing stairs, sleeping on my stomash hee hee) and I want to do everything I can to feel "normal". 7 1/2 weeks to go....

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