Monday, September 24, 2007


So thank you to all of you that were so generous in getting things that we need for our upcoming addition! You have NO idea how much you've all helped out!

Nicole called me up yesterday and asked if I wnated to use some of the gift cards we received to get some of the stuff I needed on our list and I was all over that! I don't think I've begun "nesting" (I'm sure you figure out what that means) because I've always been kind of a clean freak and I like having things in order. As Tracy put it, maybe I haven't started "nesting" because I do it all the time! VEry true Trace...well spoken! :) Anyway, (where are these tangents coming from?) so myself, Chloe, Kim and Nicole went to Babies R Us and stocked up on more things. Chloe was awesome...she was more than willing to help stock up and she found the best soothing machine for the crib as well...this adorable little aquarium thing that attached to the side.

It truly amazes how much stuff you need for a baby! 99% of everything we registered for was items that we need and I did my best to make sure I had a balance between cost and durability. For instance, I fell in love an Eddie Bauer stroller that was right smack dab in the middle of the price range for strollers. I checked the reviews and when 77 people have the same complaint about the seat latch and rate it a 2 out of 5, it makes you tihink twice about spending an extra $20 ya know?

So we have a good amount of the stuff we need (for now). Less diapers, formula, etc! It felt good getting some shopping out of the way! Everytime a little something gets done and out of the way, I feel more at ease with her arrival. I don't like being unprepared!

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