Thursday, September 6, 2007


It seems silly that I have to go back two days later but I did. I gained 5 ounces in two days...hee hee. That just sounds funny to me. Don't mind me. I'm in a good mood because I really like the doctor I saw and everything looks very good! I'm measuring at exactly 30 weeks, which means my weight and that of the baby is on target. It's absolutely insane to think that I have a three pound baby inside me (more than half the weight of a bag of sugar!) and that she is about 17 inches long! I still wonder if it's hit me...

I was also told that my next visit (2 weeks) will be when we start to go over pre-registration for the hospital and birth plan and such. Crazy! 10 weeks feels like a long time but then again, not really. I don't want to deliver early but you do have to be prepared! Speaking of, we just need to paint the baby's room and then we are pretty much there...ready for the baby to move in! We've done a lot around the house with regards to cleaning and organizing because I'm sure it won't get done with an infant around!

So I saw a woman my age in the waiting room with me today that was 37 weeks...she looked phenomenal! I truly don't think I've ever seen anyone carry so well! Posture, figure, glow-everything! I give that woman all the credit in the world because even though i know I'm not doing too bad, she puts most pregnant woman to shame! I mentioned it to my doctor and she went on to say that most pregnant women gain 45-55 pounds from what she's seen. Insane! Ideally, it should be 25-35 depending on what you weighed before. I was put closer to 35 which is probably about where I'll be.

Oh! In case you're wondering about names that we've thought about or maybe even decided on, it's a secret! :) We had to keep something a secret!

Not to go off on tangets or anything but as I was dropping Chloe off at school this morning, she burst out with, "I love my little sister already!". That was one of the most awesome things I've ever heard...right on up there with when Chris told me for the first time that he was in love with me!!!

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