Thursday, July 26, 2007


We love these! I think we're almost spoiled with the number that we've had...and our technicians keep giving us tons of pics so we're up to like 13 all with great quality and some even 3-D!

Today's U/S is a result of not being able to see LBJ's spine last time...we're hoping we can see that AND the sex! :) Sooooo....

Spine looks great and then all of a sudden we both saw it at the same time...we are having a girl! Now I give Chris all the credit in the world for not saying "I told you so" even though I'm sure he was thinking it! I guess I'm lacking instinct because I thought it might be a boy...oh well for motherly instinct!

We decided to tell Chloe when we met up her in Washington...she was soooo psyched to be getting a sister!

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