Monday, July 23, 2007


My allergies have been acting up REALLY bad lately and it was evident by my sneeze attack while drinving into the rear end of another car at 40 MPH on Sunday. I was about two blocks from my friend Jaime's wedding shower when I started in a serious of about 4-5 violent sneezes. Stupid me should have slowed waaaay down to compensate for my lack of vision but instead I stayed at my constant speed. i opened my eyes about one second before hitting that poor guy in his Honda Pilot-I highly reccomend everyone get one! His car was virtually unscathed while mine looked totalled and I was leaking fluid everywhere..I even had to crawl out on the passenger side because my door wouldn't open. Anyway...

I called Chris and he was there in about 5 minutes it seemed. I ten enjoyed a lovely ambulance ride to Hartford Hospital because I could feel some pretty could pressure and they don't mess around at 5 months pregnant. I was rushed right into the trauma unit w/o having to wait...they hooked me up to every apparatus, checked for bleeding, sewelling, contractions, took ultrasounds, etc. then forgot about us! They were supposed to transport me up to maternity/delivery for more close monitoring but their lovely systems screwed up. Anyway, they got us up there and then I was hooked up to a contraction and heartbeat monitor for the baby. LBJ kept moving all over though so we had to keep moving the monitor so we didn't lose her heartbeat. I was apparently having some good contractions (even though I could only feel pressure). I was at 24 weeks (week of viability) so they paid extra close attention...

We actually asked the U/S tech to tell us whether it was aboy or a girl (hey, we're being teased at this point with the monitor at all times!) and she said that if she had to bet money that she thought it was a girl...but no guarantees because "she" was so squirmy!

We were cleared and went home after about 5 hours. We then stopped at the Japaneese restaurant where we had our first date :) No saki this time though!

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