Friday, July 27, 2007

Seattle Here We Come!

So we are leaving tonight for 8 days in Seattle. Chris can't wait to get back and visit since it's been a few years. I only met his brother once-when Chris and I first started dating so I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. Chloe's been out there visiting her other grandparents so we will meet up with her on Sunday. The week out there is already filling up fast with visits but we plan on sneaking in some "tourist" stuff for the New Englander over here :)

I do have to say that I am DEFINITELY not looking forward to our 9.5 hour, two-layover, flight though! We leave Bradley at 7:00 and arrive in Seattle at 11:30 Seattle time with stops in Charlotte and Vegas. Of course, with my luck, we will have some kind of travel disaster because it wouldn't be flying for me if it wasn't!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


We love these! I think we're almost spoiled with the number that we've had...and our technicians keep giving us tons of pics so we're up to like 13 all with great quality and some even 3-D!

Today's U/S is a result of not being able to see LBJ's spine last time...we're hoping we can see that AND the sex! :) Sooooo....

Spine looks great and then all of a sudden we both saw it at the same time...we are having a girl! Now I give Chris all the credit in the world for not saying "I told you so" even though I'm sure he was thinking it! I guess I'm lacking instinct because I thought it might be a boy...oh well for motherly instinct!

We decided to tell Chloe when we met up her in Washington...she was soooo psyched to be getting a sister!

Dress Pickup

It didn't fit! They have to let out the sides to compensate for my now-growing belly. It's about time anyway! And only two weeks later!

Monday, July 23, 2007


My allergies have been acting up REALLY bad lately and it was evident by my sneeze attack while drinving into the rear end of another car at 40 MPH on Sunday. I was about two blocks from my friend Jaime's wedding shower when I started in a serious of about 4-5 violent sneezes. Stupid me should have slowed waaaay down to compensate for my lack of vision but instead I stayed at my constant speed. i opened my eyes about one second before hitting that poor guy in his Honda Pilot-I highly reccomend everyone get one! His car was virtually unscathed while mine looked totalled and I was leaking fluid everywhere..I even had to crawl out on the passenger side because my door wouldn't open. Anyway...

I called Chris and he was there in about 5 minutes it seemed. I ten enjoyed a lovely ambulance ride to Hartford Hospital because I could feel some pretty could pressure and they don't mess around at 5 months pregnant. I was rushed right into the trauma unit w/o having to wait...they hooked me up to every apparatus, checked for bleeding, sewelling, contractions, took ultrasounds, etc. then forgot about us! They were supposed to transport me up to maternity/delivery for more close monitoring but their lovely systems screwed up. Anyway, they got us up there and then I was hooked up to a contraction and heartbeat monitor for the baby. LBJ kept moving all over though so we had to keep moving the monitor so we didn't lose her heartbeat. I was apparently having some good contractions (even though I could only feel pressure). I was at 24 weeks (week of viability) so they paid extra close attention...

We actually asked the U/S tech to tell us whether it was aboy or a girl (hey, we're being teased at this point with the monitor at all times!) and she said that if she had to bet money that she thought it was a girl...but no guarantees because "she" was so squirmy!

We were cleared and went home after about 5 hours. We then stopped at the Japaneese restaurant where we had our first date :) No saki this time though!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dress Shopping

I waited so long to get a dress for our wedding because I of course had no idea what size I'd be at the time. After trying on about 10 of them last night, I fell in love with one-simple yet beautiful. Amazingly, it needed no alterations except for shortening the halter around the neck. You could barely tell I was pregnant so I was glad that $100 in alterations wasn't necessary! There was even a little room left to spare!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ultrasound Number Two

So in anticipation of this ultrasound at 22 weeks, we've decided we wanted to find out if we were having a boy or a girl...I know, I know, we said we wanted to be surprised but we REALLY want to know!

First off, I stepped on the scale for my regular checkup as usual and I've now gained a total of 19 pounds...not too bad and even though I dread having to get those pounds off, I try to take comfort in the fact that I still have a figure and haven't truned into a blob! Anyway...

Well, this U/S measured the baby's heart and valves (amazing!), lungs, kidney, cerebellum, etc. Everything looked great (we saw fingers and toes and everything else!) except she couldn't get underneath the baby to see the spine so she wants us to come back in two weeks. We ask her to find out the sex of the baby for us but Baby Johnson decided that keeping a heel in the way would be a fun trick to play on us! So hopefully we can look again at the next U/S...