Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Exciting News!!!

This coming Sunday marks a full 20 weeks pregnant! Whoo hoo! I can't believe how the time has flown!

The past two weeks or so I've felt an ever so slight feeling like maybe movement but it was so faint it could have past for anything! Well, Monday night he/she was DEFINITELY doing tumbles and long enough so that even Chris could feel and not think I was going insane! It was utterly amazing! They were so strong and carried on for about 10 minutes. I was in shock. I think it really hit me. Although I don't really look like it, I have a 10 inch long, month old baby growing inside me! With kicks strong enough that Chris can feel them already! It seems as though now the baby just wants to keep up the gymnast routines! I usually feel the movement just before bedtime around 11 or so...right after ice cream! Today has been QUITE different...I caught a 600AM flight this morning for work and the baby was moving up a storm when the plane took off! Just before lunch as welll...probably letting me know to eat! :)

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