Wednesday, June 13, 2007


So today was another checkup. I never thought I would say this but I want a belly! I've gained 15 pounds over the past 17 1/2 weeks and to anyone that doesn't know me, I don't look pregnant. I guess that means I need to take it easy on the ice-cream! In other words, the 15 pounds has gone everywhere I DON'T want it to go (then again, one area's gain may be seen as a plus :)!. It's funny, the most irritating this about where the weight has been distributed is that I still can't fit into maternity clothes so that means that the $150 I just spent in new clothes probably won't fit in amonth. At least maternity clothes stretch! Could be worse. At least I'm right where I should be with weight gain according to the nurse, as long as I stay to 1 pound a week going forward.

The good news of course was that Baby Johnson's heart rate came in at 160. So far it's stayed pretty consistant all three times at 164, 156 and 160.

The bummer of the day was finding out the our U/S was moved from next week to an additional three weeks...July 11th. I guess there is a HUGE difference between 18 weeks and 21 weeks and the doctor wants to be able to see more.

As far as the calendar goes, Baby Johnson is now over 4 months old in utero. Almost half way there! Just two weeks to go until 20 weeks!

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