Friday, May 18, 2007


So I sometimes forget that I am pregnant and have been forbidden by Chris to continue doing stupid things that involve falling from high places, considering yard work unsupervised when it's 95 degrees, and not drinking enough water. I feel handicapped! For good reason of course :)

I had my second appointment the 16th and all was well again. I've gained a total of 10 pounds but still no tummy really. Kind of a's going everywhere I don't want it to go! Blood pressure was excellent and I got to hear the heartbeat again! This time was bit slower at 156 but I guess flucuation is normal. I've only have two emotional breaksdowns that I know of although Chris may disagree! Ha!

Our next appointment is a checkup on on June 13th followed by a full ultrasound and complete exam on June 21st. We've specified that we would like a three-dimensional US so we are definitely psyched! Of course we've been torn with the infamous question, "to find out or not find out" the sex. We were tossing it back and forth for a while but we've decided to let it be a surprise. I think it's a boy, he thinks it's a girl. We shall see!

Liz and Chris

1 comment:

Auntie Coco said...

Awesome idea,I have never done a blog before! Very interesting... :)
I will be sure to check in, you know I love the updates, it is amazing how much Baby Johnson has been going! He is the size of an avocado and you don't even look slightly pregnant. Well actually not entirely true... Mommy's chest got a lot bigger!
Love you :)Nicole