Saturday, August 18, 2007

Jaime's Wedding

So last night Chris and I attended my friend Jaime's wedding. This is the same friend who's bachelorette party in Montreal I missed because I was pregnant (I didn't think Canadian bars were too appropriate), and the shower I was 2 blocks from when I cracked up my car. I was praying that I could at least make it to the wedding!

We should up late (of course) because neither of us are EVER on time anywhere but lucky for us the bride was stuck in traffic. Hee hee! We sat at a table with two other couples, both of which were our age (late 20's) and recently each had a baby. It was reassuring to see that both new moms looked great! (Sorry, still slightly hung up on the weight thing). However, I'm glad I was glad I persuaded by Chris that a glass of wine in fornt of me wasn't a good idea with all the peole around. I only wanted a few sips! needless to say, in random conversation both couple were apalled that anyone would consider even a drop of red wine while pregnant. In my opinion, it's a perfect example of being narrow minded and ignorant. I felt like saying that "Drs. have perscribed a glass of red wine for very painful Braxton-Hicks contractions as a muscle relaxer for the uterus" and " but oh well. It really wasn't a big deal but I think I'll keep my half-a-glass theory to myself! It was these same girls that thought I should be sitting down and not out dancing on the dance floor to Justin Timberlake and Vanilla Ice! Bizzarre since it was theses same girls were the ones coommenting over and over how great I look for being 6 months pregnant and barely showing (I was wearing a regular dress-no maternity).

I guess I'm just surprised for the ultra-conservativeness of 20-somethings.

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