Friday, August 10, 2007


Yesterday I had a checkup that left me in a waterfall of tears. It sounds silly now that I tell it but at the time I was so upset!

So in the last 2 weeks I have gained 4 pounds. Doesn't sound like much but since I've already gained 20 and I am only half-way there, the Dr. laid into me about watching what I eat, portions, etc. or she'll refer me to a dietician because I have the potential to gain a total of over 50 pounds! Now I have never been overweight but did have a couple of extra pouds in my drinking days; however, I eat healthy virtually ALL of the time! Except ice-cream :)- I even told her that my diet that day consist of all-natural peanut butter on whole grain toast, an apple, yogurt, and water and I was told that I should have cut the sandwich in half. The appointment was at 4:00 mind you! Should I strave myself! Dear Lord! I was freaked out that not only would I gain 50 pounds but that my baby would be a 10-pounder and I'd have gestational diabetes.

I have been pretty good about not being overly emotional during pregnancy but this sent me over the edge and I called Chris in hysterics. He brought me back to center saying that she was crazy, I still look good, and it's not like something was discoverd wrong with our little girl. The latter kinda put me in check but I couldn't make her words go away. He made me prmoise to eat!

In the end, I guess being 145 pounds at almost 6 months pregnant isn't too bad and as long as she looks good from every checkup and still kicks me like crazy, I should be an extrememly happy mom-to-be!

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