Friday, August 24, 2007


It's always an interesting gamble when I step on that scale in the office. 2 pounds in the last two weeks! Doing good as long as we keep it to one pound a week! I'm measuring right where I should be for 28 weeks...third trimester! Whoo hoo! Both of are looking good and I love hearing her heartbeat! Between her heartbeat in the 150's consistenly and her NON-STOP kicking, I think we have quite the active tomboy on our hands! Is it true that if you were a terror for your parents than you'll be "blessed" with the same? If so, I hope Chris knows that we are soooo in for an adventure! Chloe...we're gonna need you help big sister!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Jaime's Wedding

So last night Chris and I attended my friend Jaime's wedding. This is the same friend who's bachelorette party in Montreal I missed because I was pregnant (I didn't think Canadian bars were too appropriate), and the shower I was 2 blocks from when I cracked up my car. I was praying that I could at least make it to the wedding!

We should up late (of course) because neither of us are EVER on time anywhere but lucky for us the bride was stuck in traffic. Hee hee! We sat at a table with two other couples, both of which were our age (late 20's) and recently each had a baby. It was reassuring to see that both new moms looked great! (Sorry, still slightly hung up on the weight thing). However, I'm glad I was glad I persuaded by Chris that a glass of wine in fornt of me wasn't a good idea with all the peole around. I only wanted a few sips! needless to say, in random conversation both couple were apalled that anyone would consider even a drop of red wine while pregnant. In my opinion, it's a perfect example of being narrow minded and ignorant. I felt like saying that "Drs. have perscribed a glass of red wine for very painful Braxton-Hicks contractions as a muscle relaxer for the uterus" and " but oh well. It really wasn't a big deal but I think I'll keep my half-a-glass theory to myself! It was these same girls that thought I should be sitting down and not out dancing on the dance floor to Justin Timberlake and Vanilla Ice! Bizzarre since it was theses same girls were the ones coommenting over and over how great I look for being 6 months pregnant and barely showing (I was wearing a regular dress-no maternity).

I guess I'm just surprised for the ultra-conservativeness of 20-somethings.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Yesterday I had a checkup that left me in a waterfall of tears. It sounds silly now that I tell it but at the time I was so upset!

So in the last 2 weeks I have gained 4 pounds. Doesn't sound like much but since I've already gained 20 and I am only half-way there, the Dr. laid into me about watching what I eat, portions, etc. or she'll refer me to a dietician because I have the potential to gain a total of over 50 pounds! Now I have never been overweight but did have a couple of extra pouds in my drinking days; however, I eat healthy virtually ALL of the time! Except ice-cream :)- I even told her that my diet that day consist of all-natural peanut butter on whole grain toast, an apple, yogurt, and water and I was told that I should have cut the sandwich in half. The appointment was at 4:00 mind you! Should I strave myself! Dear Lord! I was freaked out that not only would I gain 50 pounds but that my baby would be a 10-pounder and I'd have gestational diabetes.

I have been pretty good about not being overly emotional during pregnancy but this sent me over the edge and I called Chris in hysterics. He brought me back to center saying that she was crazy, I still look good, and it's not like something was discoverd wrong with our little girl. The latter kinda put me in check but I couldn't make her words go away. He made me prmoise to eat!

In the end, I guess being 145 pounds at almost 6 months pregnant isn't too bad and as long as she looks good from every checkup and still kicks me like crazy, I should be an extrememly happy mom-to-be!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Our Trip

Okay, the trip out was horrendous! Not only did we get delayed at Bradley because of storms down south, but when we got to Charlotte, we were delayed yet again. Sitting in airports AND pregnant is not pleasant and heartburn wasn't exactly making it any easier! We didn't get into Vegas until 2:00AM Vegas time...5 hours late! Needless to say we missed our connection and was told our flight would leave at 930AM. Great. Splurge on a hotel room? Nope! Rent a locker, throw our carryon stuff inside (yes, including my dress) and hit the strip! We were totally up for it but by the time we got down there ate breakfast at a casino, and walked around a bit, we were beat. Not to mention my feet we swollen beyond belief becasue it was 100 degrees. We vowed that we would go back! Around 6AM we headed back to the airport and met up with a lady from our flight. It didn't feel like 6AM and we have been awake at this point for 27 hours so why not hit up the bar at the airport? I took advantage of the free refills of Sprite...aren't ya jealous? :) We got to Seattle, met up with his bro and crashed at his house, 36 hours of adrenaline later!

Seattle was gorgeous though and yes, we had sun virtually ALL week! I know...bizzarre for Seattle right? I even managed to get some golf in at the range! We surpirsed his parents and picked up Chloe and spent the week visiting his brother and his girlfriend, his parents, his grandmother, Cory (his childhood friend, and taking in downtown Seattle, Pike Place, Seattle Center (amuesment park), and some beautiful state parks! The week was topped off with the wedding...

Yep...we did it! We got married in Seattle on Saturday (the 4th)! We decided to keep it a low-key affair by having the ceremony in Washington. Baby Girl Johnson will be born out here so we kept the two big events in our lives split evenly between the coasts! :) Chris was quite the stud in his tux and he was joined by his brother and childhood friend. Chloe was a little princess in her dress and was all smiles! Me and Baby Girl Johnson fit nicely into my dress which was quite the surprise since I actually gained weight...redistribution? Anyway...the weather was perfect, the location beautiful! We had the ceremony at sunset at a park overlooking the Puget Sound, a marina, and the Olympic mountain range.

All in all, the trip was great but it's nice to be back also. I missed my "special needs" puppy! :) Now it's time to start preping the house for girl #2!